# Combo Split
For shorter course options, each Combo Split for Keynote offers one half of the student book
material and the relevant print workbook activities.

# 교재 소개

감동을 주는 커뮤니케이션을 위한 4-skill 코스북

TED Talks의 열정적이고 설득력 있는 연사들이 전하는 영감을 주는 Idea와 “진짜” 영어를 만나다!

Keynote 시리즈는 TED Talks의 삶을 변화시킬 수 있는 감동적인 이야기를 통해 주제에 대한 학습자의 더 깊은 이해를 돕고, 영어로 유창하게 자신을 표현하는 연습의 기회를 제공합니다.

* Inspiring Communication
Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language. Keynote invites learners to explore life-changing stories for a deeper understanding of the world, developing the confidence and skills needed to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English.

# 특징
- 매력적인 주제와 진짜 영어를 담는 TED Talks를 중심으로 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의 4-skill 학습
- 의사소통능력, 협동능력, 창의력과 비판적 사고 능력 등 21세기에 꼭 필요한 스킬 학습
- 지문, infographic(정보그래픽), 인터뷰 등 다양한 형식을 통한 주제 학습
- TED 연사들을 통한 유창하고 자신감 있는 프레젠테이션 스킬 학습

- Engaging and authentic TED Talks drive an integrated-skills syllabus alongside 21st century outcomes like communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
- Real-world content presented through readings, infographics, and interviews motivates learners to engage with language meaningfully.
- Unique presentation sections based on best practices demonstrated by TED speakers teach transferable strategies that develop fluency, confidence and compelling delivery.

# Online
My Keynote Online provides personalized instruction and practice through :
- A customized learning path with integrated TED TALKS
- An interactive student eBook
- Access to all audio for student book and Workbook
- www.NGL.Cengage.com/keynote

# Component
- Student Book (with online workbook)
- Teacher’s Guide
- Classroom Presentation Tool
- Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView
- Combo Spilt A (SB+WB+Online)
- Combo Spilt B (SB+WB+Online)