Research shows that early instruction in phonics is the first step to reading success.

Well, here “e” comes! This Step 2 Phonics Reader uses rhyme

and visual clues to illustrate the important concept of the “silent e”—personified here in our main character!
Anna Jane Hays is a former editorial director and child development specialist for The Children’s Television Workshop.

She lives in Santa Fe, NM.


묵음 'e'의 개념을 알려주는 책이예요.

시각적인 단서를 이용해 쉽고 재미있게 설명해줘요.

전 편집 디렉터이자 프로그램 의 유아 발달 전문가인 작가 Anna Jane Hays  의 야심작이랍니다.


ISBN : 9780375812330

저자: Anna Jane Hays  | 일러스트레이터:  Joann Adinolfi

Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 32p | AR 2.2