Peanut is a small dog with a big interest in the way things smell.

When the toddler in his family wanders off in the grocery store Peanut’s sniffing skills pay off and make him a huge hero.

Features bright, funny illustrations that bring the charming pup to life.


피넛은 냄새를 무척 잘 맡는 강아지에요.

피넛은 냄새 맡는 기술로 영웅이 됩니다. 마트에서 잃어버린 아이를 찾았거든요.

슈퍼영웅 피넛!

 ISBN : 9780375806186

저자: Heidi Kilgras | 일러스트레이터: Mike Reed

Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 32p | AR 0.0