Guess who’s learning to read? Little Witch is—and she loves it.

But Mother Witch won’t allow nice books about princesses and princes in the house!

Little Witch resorts to using invisibility spells and staying up late to read,

but it’s starting to wear her out.

When the Witch family finally discovers Little Witch’s secret reading habit, she has one last trick to change their minds about books!


꼬마 마녀는 책 읽기를 좋아하지만 엄마 마녀는 꼬마 마녀가 책 읽는 걸 좋아하지 않아요.

학교에서 몰래 백설공주 책을 빌려온 꼬마 마녀는 엄마의 반대에도 불구하고 책을 무사히 다 읽을 수 있을까요?


ISBN : 9780375821790

저자: Deborah Hautzig  | 일러스트레이터: Sylvie Wickstrom

Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 48p | AR 2.7