"Where does honey come from? The Cat in the Hat knows that!

It comes from bees, and what better way to learn about honey making than to visit inside a hive and see firsthand how it’s done?

In this rhymed easy reader based on an episode from the new PBS Kids television show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!,

the Cat, Sally and Nick, and Things One and Two shrink to bee size and learn how bees communicate via dance,

collect nectar and spit it into combs, turn it into honey, and seal the combs with wax.

This is a sweet, funny Step into Reading book that kids will gobble up

(without realizing they are ingesting an important natural-history lesson!)." 


"꿀은 어디에서 왔을까요?

닉과 샐리는 꿀이 어떻게 만들어지는지 궁금해요.

궁금증을 해결해줄 모자 쓴 고양이가 닉과 샐리를 벌집 궁전으로 안내하네요.

벌처럼 작아진 셋은 꿀벌과 소통하는 방법인 엉덩이춤을 배우고, 벌꿀 만드는 방법까지 알게 됐어요.
미국의 인기 프로그램인 PBS Kids TV 쇼의 로 함께 방영되고 있답니다."

ISBN : 9780375867163    

저자: Tish Rabe  | 일러스트레이터: Christopher Moroney

Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 48p | AR 3.1