출판사 서평

Let's Talk Second Edition is a fully revised edition of Let's Talk, the successful speaking and listening course that takes students from a high-beginning to a high-intermediate level. Like the first edition, this three-level course in American English is designed to develop oral communication skills and increase fluency. Unique twists on topics draw students into conversations, and engaging activities guarantee maximum talking time. Features of the new edition include more systematic presentation and recycling of structures and vocabulary, increased focus on communication activities, and Expansion review sections every four units. The expanded Self-study section includes grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, offering students additional opportunities for review and consolidation. Grammar paradigms and listening texts are included on the self-study audio CD packaged with the Student's Book.



Unit 1
Getting acquainted
1A Successful conversations
1B Solving problems

Unit 2
Expressing yourself
2A How do you feel?
2B What do you mean?

Unit 3
Crime and punishment
3A Breaking the law
3B Crime stories

Unit 4
Surprises and superstitions
4A that's strange!
4B Good luck, bad luck

Units 1-4 Expansion
unit 5
Education and learning
5A School days
5B Brain power

Unit 6
Fame and fortune
6A Success
6B Wealth

Unit 7
Around the world
7A foreign languages
7B What's the custom?

Unit 8
8A What is it exactly?
8B Can you explain it?

Units 5-8 Expansion

Unit 9
Mind and body
9A Staying healthy
9B Coping with stress

Unit 10
Spending money
10A Advertising
10B Buying and selling

Unit 11
The news
11A What's the story?
11B People in the news

Unit 12
12A Friendship
12B Meeting people

Units 9-12 Expansion

Unit 13
13A Please be carefu!!
13B Taking risks

Unit 14
14A Popularity
14V Success and happiness

Unit 15
Travel and tourism
15A traveler or tourist?
15B Fantastic journeys

Unit 16
16A the ideal job
16B Getting a job

Units 13-16 Expansion

Communication tasks
Self-study grammar, listening vocabulary, and answer key