짧은 시간 안에 간단하게 할 수 있는 다양한 미술 활동 그림과 자료가 주어진 교사용 자료집

스스로 그리고 만드는 즐거움을 통해 창의력을 기를 수 있으며아이들이 만든 작품은 Retelling Rewriting을 위한 교구로도 사용할 수 있습니다.


Here's a wonderful way to extend the study of other cultures--29 art projects based on folk art techniques and styles from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Oceania, and Europe.


Projects include:


Africa: clay beads from Kenya, hammered metalwork from Nigeria, a Do mask from western Africa

The Americas: beaded bowl from Mexico, mask from Peru, raised line scupture from Colombia

Asia: palm leaf fans from China, Wayang shadow puppets from Indosia, torans from India, mizuhiki from Japan

Australia: aboriginal bark pictures, thunderbolt from New Zealand

Europe: fleur-de-lis bowl from France, scrimshaw from England, a crois bride from Ireland, mosaics from Greece

A complete list of countries represented:


Africa: Egypt, Kenya, and Nigeria

The Americas: Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru

Asia: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and New Zealand

Europe: Belarus, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Portugal



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