이 책은 중급과 고급 이상 수준의 학습자들에게 영어 문장 구조를 좀더 체계적이고 논리적으로 제시하려는 목적으로 쓰여진 책이다. 어려운 문법은 특별한 관심을 두어 제시하였고, 대화체 문법과 규준 문법이 차이가 있으면 대화체 문법에 중점을 두었다. 목차에서 보듯이 문법 사항을 의사 소통의 기능별로 묶어 활용성을 높였다. 단순한 암기 사항인 문법이 아니라 실제로 살아 움직이는 문법을 학습하기에 좋은 책이다.
Thomson and Martinet's classic intermediate grammar for foreign learners is the most widely used book of its kind. It is popular because its explanations are clear and because it deals thoroughly with the topics which students find most difficult.

1. Articles and one, a little/a few, this, that
2. Nouns
3. Adjectives
4. Adverbs
5. all, each, every, both, neither, either, some, any, no, none
6. Interrogatives wh-? words and how?
7. Possessives, personal and reflexive pronouns: my, mine, I. myself etc.
8. Relative pronouns and clauses
9. Prepositions
10. Introduction to verbs
11. be, have, do
12. may and can for permission and possibility
13. can and be able for ability
14. ought, should, must, have to, need for obligation
15. must, have, will and should for deduction and assumption
16. The auxiliaries dare and used
17. The present tenses
18. The past and perfect tenses
19. The future
20. The sequence of tenses
21. The conditional
22. Other uses of will/would, shall/should
23. The infinitive
24. The gerund
25. Infinitive and gerund constructions
26. The participles
27. Commands, requests, invitations, advice, suggestions
28. The subjunctive
29. care, like, love, hate, prefer, wish
30. The passive voice
31. Indirect speech
32. Conjunctions
33. Purpose
34. Clauses of reason, result, concession, comparision, time
35. Noun clauses
36. Numerals, dates, and weights and measures
37. Spelling rules
38. Phrasal verbs
39. List of irregular verbs